Title: Self-Portrait: Life
Ceramic Sculpture
12 in. x 12 in. x 16 in.
As a vase meant to be a self-portrait of me, the final piece ended up bigger than expected, but I think that it adds to its importance. I added these sun symbols at the top and near bottom of my vase to represent my love for sunlight and warmth. The symbols can also represent flowers as they thrive from sunlight. Just as the vase is deep and wide, my admiration for life and creation as well as the sunlight and its warmth, is also deep and wide. Originally, the vase was planned to be a greenish-blue but became a caramel color, which I find suits as a warm tone color, adding a warmth to the piece. If you look closer at the piece, you will find streaks of underlying green which surprised me pleasantly. This symbolizes that there is more than meets the eye.